60% of Vancouverites want to dump Trump from tower name

Dec 20 2017, 3:13 am

Canadians’ views on Donald Trump’s run for the Republican Presidential candidate are becoming a hot topic north of the 49th parallel, mostly due to two contentious towers in Vancouver and Toronto baring Trump’s name.

A recent poll by Angus Reid has found that over half of Canadians think these towers should lose the Trump branding, a sentiment largely spurred by the business-tycoon’s controversial proposal to ban all Muslims from entering the United States.

A statement issued by Trump on December 7 called for a “total and complete shutdown” of Muslims entering the U.S. until the government can identify “what is going on” in relation to the “horrendous attacks by people that believe only in Jihad”. While his comments were applauded by some for bringing politically incorrect issues into the forefront, many were appalled at Trump’s generalizations.

Included in that group are two-thirds (67%) of Canadians who disagree with Trump’s statement and agree his beliefs are “bad for society”, according to Angus Reid. Nearly half disagree “strongly”. Some 37% of people agree with Trump’s argument “because he’s bringing ‘politically incorrect’ topics into public discourse”.

In Vancouver, where the Trump Tower is within months of completion, a majority 60% believe his name should be removed from the skyline, including such heavy-hitters as Mayor Gregor Robertson and Premier Christy Clark. The Premier stayed somewhat mum on her opinion, but revealed that she didn’t think it was “good business” to have the Trump brand around.

But Robertson was much more bold on the issue.

In a letter addressed to president and CEO of Holborn Group, the developer of Vancouver’s Trump Tower,  Joo Kim Tiah, Mayor Robertson blasted Trump for his “hateful positions and commentary,” and says his brand has no place in Vancouver.

As Mayor, I’m proud that Vancouver is known throughout the world for our steadfast commitment to diversity, equality, and freedom from discrimination and hatred. Vancouver is enriched by that diversity,and being a city where people can live and thrive regardless of their gender, sexuality, faith, or ethnicity,” reads the letter.

In contrast, Donald Trump’s hateful positions and commentary remind us all of much darker times in our world’s past – and it is incumbent upon all of us to forcefully challenge hatred in all of the ways that it confronts us.”

Robertson’s sentiments echoed more than 50,000 signatures on a Change.org petition asking to dump the Trump branding.

But ultimately it might be Donald Trump himself who suffers due to the branding of his hotels. The Angus Reid polled revealed that 55% of people found his hotels less appealing due to his political opinions.

Vancity Buzz readers largely agree. Asked on Twitter whether they would stay in a Trump hotel after hearing his political opinions, 77% of people responded “definitely not” while only 13% said “yes”.

On the other side of the spectrum, the people who do agree with Trump are mostly men over age 55. Angus Reid found of the 33% of people who supported Trump’s statements against Muslim, 41% were men over 55, 39% were women aged 35 to 54, and 37% were men aged 35 to 54.

They also determined that those who make more money are more likely to think Trump’s name should stay. A small majority of men making over $100,000 a year agreed the Trump branding was okay to stay, whereas only 39% making $50,000 or less shared that sentiment.

Women were more likely to believe the developers should change the name of the Trump Towers. Some 64%, compared to 49% of men, thought so.

While this study doesn’t help to diminish the amount of media attention Trump’s campaign is receiving, three-quarters of people believe he is getting too much coverage for what he deserves. With still just under a year left until the Presidential election, expect the Trump vortex to keep spinning, regardless of how ridiculous it gets.

What do you think. Should Vancouver dump the Trump?