Vancouver Polar Bear Swim 2009

Dec 19 2017, 11:45 am

This year marks the 89th year in which participates will take the plunge into English Bay on New Years day. Yes what else can we be talking about but the annual polar bear swim.
Thousands will gather (some in costumes) to take part in one of the worlds largest polar bear swims. Another highlight of the event is Peter Pantages (founder of Polar Bear Club) Memorial 100 yard swim. Be sure to stick around for that.This annual event is a great time and what better cure from your NYE hangover then a cold dip in English Bay and this year looks to be extra cold with the recent weather we’ve experienced. The event is free but you must register between 12:30 and 2:30 in front of the English Bay Bathhouse on January 1st.

Of note Money J Skeets will put on his pimp hat and get ready for the dip. We’ve also learned that our very own Suburban Don we’ll be participating, white robe and all. So if you see a dude in a purple pimp hat and another in a white robe, be sure to say hi to the bloggers at VcB.Related Posts:

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