Vancouver Neighbours: Shazmin Hussein

Dec 20 2017, 3:30 am

Neighbours is an exclusive Vancity Buzz feature in collaboration with award-winning photographer, Matthew Chen, celebrating the diverse individuals that makeup up our community, one story at a time.

Shazmin Hussein is a blogger, model, and writer. You might find her at her favourite coffee shop, Milanos in Gastown, writing poetry.

Shazmin 2

Shazmin / Matthew Chen Photos

“I’ve had to overcome the death of two close friends passing away, going through a breakup, working 10 to 15 hours a day, and had my purse stolen from me, all at the same time… It made me realize that the people around you, you may never see again and has helped me appreciate peoples presence a lot more.”


Shazmin / Matthew Chen Photos

“I went to a yin yoga class and decided to wear a new bra that clasped in front, next thing you know I felt ‘off’, looked down and my boobs were lopsided! There was a man in front of me who gave me a weird look and I tried to close my bra under my t-shirt but it wasn’t working out, so I had to leave the room.”

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