Vancouver Neighbours: Kendra Coupland

Dec 20 2017, 1:58 am

Kendra Coupland is an award-winning wedding photographer. You can find her at her studio (Love Tree) in New Westminster.

Neighbours is an exclusive Vancity Buzz feature in collaboration with award-winning photographer, Matthew Chen, celebrating the diverse individuals that makeup up our community, one story at a time.

Image by Matt Chen Photography

Image by Matt Chen Photography

“I did a ten day Vipassana meditation in Indonesia in February. It was very difficult. I got food poisoning just as I took my vow of silence. There were a lot of bugs, no hot water for showers, the toilets were mostly holes in the ground to squat over, my bed was a thin mat that was always wet from the humidity. It was a very uncomfortable, lonely experience, but then I realized I only had to do it for 10 days. Many people around the world live like that every single day, no hot water, little electricity, insects biting them, a cold wet bed, in loneliness, and facing illness. I’m no queen. I’m not above anyone, and coming to terms with myself, learning humility, facing my ugly parts, and accepting myself during that time has given me a lasting sense of peace, and it has changed how I interact with the world around me.”

Image by Matt Chen Photography

Image by Matt Chen Photography

“The most valuable lesson I’ve learned is that you can love someone but it doesn’t mean they need to be an active part of your life. Choosing to be around people where you can mutually contribute to each other’s lives in a positive way is one of the best choices you can make for your own sanity.”

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