Vancouver named 2nd best city in the world in Telegraph Travel Awards

Dec 19 2017, 9:06 pm

Chant with us: We’re number two! We’re number two! Actually, second place is not too shabby for Vancouver, which has placed in the number two slot on a new list of the world’s best cities.

The ranking comes from the Telegraph Travel Awards (“the most comprehensive, wide-ranging and reliable reader travel survey in the world,” they say of themselves).

The Telegraph’s Kathy Arnold raved about her visit to Vancouver in 2013:

When prizes are handed out for the “best place to live in the world”, Vancouver regularly gets one. What felt like a big town years ago is now a grown-up city, with glass tower blocks, a buzzy cultural life and a cosmopolitan population that includes newcomers from Asia, as well as home-grown Canadians and first-generation Europeans. And nowhere is this ethnic mix more representative than on a plate in one of Vancouver’s atmospheric restaurants.

Seriously, don’t get her started on the seafood here.

Perhaps encouraged by the paper’s lust for the Vancouver life, here we are at number two, behind Cape Town and ahead of Venice. Vancouver also happens to be the only Canadian city to make the list. After all, says the Telegraph, “Vancouver’s sublime city-in-the-wilderness ambience proving utterly alluring to visitors.”

Here’s the full list of the World’s Best Cities from the Telegraph Travel Awards:

1. Cape Town
2. Vancouver
3. Venice
4. Sydney
5. San Francisco
6. New York
7. Tokyo
8. Rio de Janeiro
9. Florence
10. Rome
11. Istanbul
12. Barcelona
13. Seville
14. St. Petersburg
15. Krakow
16. Melbourne
17. Boston
18. Hong Kong
19. Berlin
20. Vienna

Featured image: Tim Shields via Flickr


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