Vancouver In Need of a Second Major Sports Team: Part I

Dec 19 2017, 11:40 am

With the NFL season commencing this past weekend and fans rejoicing everywhere, sports fans in Vancouver are looking forward to the only sports team that matters here, the Vancouver Canucks. The Hubble space telescope will be analyzing every play to precise scope. When the Canucks fail to win the Stanley Cup once again, speaking hypothetically of course, the city will crumble emotionally once more… and we will be faced with another off-season hoping in the next playoffs Luongo lasts four periods of overtime and a funny bounce happens to go in the opponents’ net.

This brings me to a major concern. The city lacks a decent second major sports team. Let’s face it folks, the BC Lions are the CFL not the NFL, the Whitecaps have not entered the MLS yet and the Grizzlies would’ve survived had Michael Heisley not screwed us but now they’re gone and they sucked anyway so fuck ‘em.

Which league can our lovely city support? An NBA team can certainly work. We’ve proven this in the past. A bad dollar, shitty management and sneaky owner were its demise and these problems will likely not arise once more. A MLS team is on its way, but we still need a little more. I, personally, would love for an MLB team in Vancouver. Imagine a 60,000 seat multi-purpose waterfront stadium shared with the Whitecaps, and possibly an NFL expansion team in the future; although, the idea of an NFL team in Vancouver is probably several decades away. But, if Toronto can do it, somewhat, who knows?

Vancouver needs a geographic rival. This is most lacking right now. The natural choice is Seattle. Calgary and Edmonton are too damn far and have their own rivalry; we don’t want to make their porno a threesome. Wouldn’t it be great to travel two hours by bus to watch the Vancouver Canucks roll on the Seattle Shooters in their building? Or watch the Seahawks drive up to Vancouver to play on Monday Night Football.

Ahh… the possibilities.

Vancity Maverick will take an analytical approach and test the feasibility of this scheme in Part II of this series. Now back to some 90210 on my PVR…

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