Vancouver community outraged that FIFA is taking over a park

Oct 11 2024, 5:06 pm

The FIFA World Cup is rolling into town in 2026, and members of a South Vancouver community are unhappy that it will take over a treasured park and community space.

Memorial South Park, located at 5955 Ross Street, is a multi-use public space with a track, soccer field, hockey cage, and many other amenities.

According to what the FIFA World Cup 26 Vancouver Host Committee told Daily Hive, Memorial South Park field and Killarney Park North will be “Vancouver’s two official training sites for the FIFA World Cup 26.”

It added that the Killarney Park North spots field and Memorial South Park oval would be closed from January 2025 until fall 2026, meaning anyone who regularly uses the oval must find a new place for their activities for at least 18 months.

Memorial South Park is used by residents of the Fraser and 41st areas and the nearby high school, John Oliver Secondary School. Daily Hive Urbanized published a story detailing the training sites this summer.

Vancouver FWC 26

Community members have now created a petition, which hundreds have signed, titled “OUR Park, NOT FIFA’s Field.”

According to the plan, residents will lose access to the oval, a couple of running track lanes, a clubhouse, a children’s playground, and potentially a cricket pitch.

“This is a well-used park. The loss of these spaces for this length of time is unacceptable, as is the lack of transparency regarding the impacts on the people who live in the area,” the petition states.

The FIFA World Cup 26 Vancouver Host Committee told Daily Hive that it would keep the community informed on progress and impacts as “we determine suitable alternative sites for the community,” however, the petition states that community members feel they haven’t been kept in the loop.

Many are calling the City out in the petition.

“Memorial South Park is the cornerstone of our community. Hundreds of people exercise, play and visit each day. We represent a diverse community where all ages, ethnic communities, and fitness levels are welcomed. There has been no consultation as to how there will be amends for the physical and mental wellness that is being taken from us all,” one person who signed said.

Another community member wrote, “I love this park! Keep it the way it is!!”

Someone else was voicing their concerns for people with accessibility needs.

“It’s outrageous that the use of this park by residents of Vancouver can be taken away for up to two years. The track is used by many seniors and [disabled] people for their daily exercise and fresh air.”

Some are also upset that the City plans to cut down up to 15 trees to accommodate the training site project.

We learned earlier this year that the cost of hosting the World Cup in Vancouver increased to over half a billion dollars, to $581 million.

You can learn more about the training sites here.

Do you think this is okay? Are you a resident impacted by one of the training sites? Let us know in the comments.

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