Vancouver Fashion Week Continues

Dec 19 2017, 11:56 am

Written by: Aman Bains
Friday November 6th – Eco-Fashion Show

This Friday VFW showcased local talent focused on sustainable and eco-friendly fashion. Designers such as NATE, Lav & Kush, and Hawkes Ave were just some of the lines that entertained the audience. The venue, Colin Campbell was large and beautiful. It had a post-modern, industrial feel, with delicate touches of cast iron flowers.

Models strutted their stuff down the runway, and the audience was captivated. Here’s a peek of what they saw:

Nate Organics – This line was contemporary and featured a modern take on traditional eco-fashion. Models were wearing graphic fabrics, with punchy colours. The norm of greys, greens, and whites were juxtaposed with black, red, fuschia and teal. The end result was fabulous, wearable, sustainable and trendy fashion. One of the models was an Olympic gold medalist, Adam Kreek. He donned both Nate Organics, and the partner designer Play it Cool. They have been working continuously to make sure that they can dress the athletes for the coming games, without releasing any carbon emissions.

Lav and Kush – Beautiful, feminine pieces in soft colours were the focus of this collection. Tiered ruffles and a focus on the waist was a common occurrence. The line was very wearable, and appealed to women both young and old.

Hawkes Avenue – This rock and roll line had loads of spunk. Designer Jennifer brought out the inner glamazon of the models. There were lots of graphic colours, with black stencil designs across the front, or back. She also brought back a classic, the denim vest, with an updated take. She focused on sustainable clothes with street attitude.

Red Jade – A trendy line that boasted lots of white and natural colours. Models were wearing lots of straight lines, and there was a lot of movement in the clothing. The overall effect was confidence, and boldness.

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