City of Vancouver investigating incident after report of dog shocked by sidewalk panel

Mar 1 2023, 2:16 am

An electrical crew for the City of Vancouver says it was immediately dispatched after reports of a dog shocked by a panel on a sidewalk.

Trey Patric Helten shared photos of the incident online and said the incident happened at the corner of East Cordova and Columbia streets.

Helten said, the panel “almost shocked my favorite dog Titan to death.”

Fortunately, Helten added Titan was able to get up and walk away.

A slip hazard sign was placed on top of the panel.

The City’s electrical branch confirmed the incident took place and added, “We are aware of the unfortunate incident that took place in the Gastown area.”

“Crews determined there is an underground short, but this should not result in a live pole, especially during the day when the street lights are off,” the City explained. “The pole and box have been isolated and crews are trying to determine exactly what happened.”

The electrical branch added it is happy to hear that Titan the dog is doing okay.

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