Vancouver-based will deliver to your door in 2 hours

Dec 20 2017, 1:27 am

The age of impatience is reaching new heights.

Vancouver-based company just announced you’ll be able to get select shoes delivered to your doorstep in just two hours or less.

Need a new pair of heels for an event? Work boots worn out? They’ve got you covered, apparently.

“Our mission remains to innovate and deliver new and better ways to delight customers,” said co-founder Roger Hardy in a statement.

“The introduction of two hour delivery for Canadian consumers not only demonstrates our company mission, it puts SHOES.COM at the forefront of Canada’s e-commerce market like never before, and will ultimately transform the way Canadians shop online.”

The rapid shoe delivery service will launch today, September 17, in Vancouver and Toronto and will expand into Ottawa, Calgary, Edmonton, and Montreal by the end of the year.

Of course, there’s always a catch: you must place your order before 5 p.m. and it’ll run you an extra $20 for delivery.

The service will be available to Canadian customers on’s partner website

Are we ushering in a new era of quick delivery services? We’ve known for some time now that Amazon is working on a drone delivery system that promises items on your doorstep in 30 minutes or less from the time you place your order.

“It looks like science fiction, but it’s real. One day, seeing Prime Air vehicles will be as normal as seeing mail trucks on the road,” states

Watch this video demonstration of how Prime Air might look one day:

[youtube id=”98BIu9dpwHU”]

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