LGBTQ Vancouver: Share your coming out stories

Jul 13 2016, 3:12 am

To celebrate Vancouver Pride Week, which begins on July 25, Daily Hive Vancouver is inviting its LGBTQ readers to submit their personal ‘coming out’ stories. These stories will be posted on Daily Hive Vancouver throughout the span of this year’s Pride Week.

Why are we doing this?

For those who identify as LGBTQ, the process of accepting one’s own identity and to “come out” to family and friends is often described as an extremely challenging and liberating experience.

Coming out is a different experience for everyone. While some experiences are difficult and heart-wrenching, others are empowering and heart-warming. After all, it’s a process of revealing one’s true self and heart, and it provides LGBTQ allies with a sense of what it is like to be in another’s shoes.

Daily Hive is proudly a fully-inclusive organization and a major supporter of the LGBTQ community. To continue an ongoing annual tradition within our organization, for Pride 2016 we are inviting our LGBTQ readers to submit their own coming out stories as a means of inspiring others – to help other LGBTQ Vancouverites find their way by relating to other experiences.

Share your story with us

  • You can submit your story anonymously; please let us know whether you would like your story to be published anonymously.
  • There is no word limit, it can be as long as you want. We want to give you the full flexibility to express your experience. However, we do recommend that stories be kept within a 500 word ceiling.
  • Although not required, we encourage you to include your age and occupation so that readers can more easily relate to your experience.
  • Please email your story to [email protected] with “Coming Out” as the subject title.
  • Your story will be published during Vancouver Pride week.
  • Stories should be submitted by no later than Tuesday, July 26, 2016 at 11 pm
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