Vancouver Cat Café Crowdfunding Campaign Ends Soon

Dec 19 2017, 6:47 pm

If you are among the many Vancouverites purring with anticipation over the possibility of being able to sip a cup of coffee in the company of cuddly cats at our city’s very own Cat Café, this is your last chance to help make the dream a reality as the venue’s online fundraiser draws to a close.

Launched in April, the Indiegogo campaign to fund Vancouver’s Catfé is barely halfway to its goal of $50,000, and the opportunity to throw some of your own scratch into the litter pan will come to an end June 6.

The Catfé concept is based on the popular Japanese cafés where people can commune with cats while enjoying snacks, books, and wifi access. Vancouver’s Catfé is targeted at those whose leases don’t permit pets, current crazy cat ladies and lads who can’t get enough feline time, and those looking for the beneficial de-stressing cats can provide.

The cat lady behind Vancouver’s proposed Catfé is Michelle Furbacher, who told CBC that while she may not make her Indiegogo goal, she’ll still have enough to get the café going.

One stumbling block is going to be local health regulations, which will mean the café’s layout will have the snack bar on one side of the space and the cat hangout through a separate entrance.

If you are clawing at the chance to make Catfé happen in Vancouver, you can donate to the fundraiser here.

Photo by Feline DaCat/Flickr