Vancouver Canucks Jump H1N1 Queue

Dec 19 2017, 11:57 am

Apparently the Vancouver Canucks have joined the Calgary Flames, Toronto Raptors and numerous other sports teams in getting the H1N1 flu shot a few days too early. Now this isn’t as bad as the Flames who were basically first in line to get the vaccine. The Canucks of course deny this saying they waiting until they got the go ahead from Health Canada to get the vaccine.

To be honest I’m not too offended that they jumped the queue because there were numerous reports of healthy people, who did not fit the demographic getting the shot ahead of those in need. Furthermore, these guys travel a lot, are in close quarters on the plane and in the dressing room, so perhaps they are equally at risk at contracting the swine flu as the general population.

Here a snippet we got from Vancouver Sun:

B.C.’s provincial health officer says the Vancouver Canucks definitely jumped the queue when the players and the team’s support staff were given the H1N1 vaccine earlier this week.
“They were out of sequence,” Dr. Perry Kendall said in a phone interview Wednesday.
But Canuck general manager Mike Gillis says the team did not act until after federal health officials announced on Friday that doses of the H1N1 vaccine were now approved for general use and no longer limited to specific groups.
Most of the Canuck players, coaching staff and some support staff members received the vaccine on Sunday and Monday of this week. Kendall said they should not have because they don’t meet the existing criteria. Eligibility in B.C. was expanded this week to include healthy individuals between the ages of five and 18 and those over the age of 65 with health conditions.

I don’t know, what do you guy think and did Fin get the flu shot too? If he didn’t I suggest he do so, especially hanging around Pamela Anderson, you know your immune system is going to take a hit.

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