Vancouver, Be on the Look Out For a Giant T

Dec 19 2017, 11:59 am

No, I’m not talking about Mr. T aka Rampage Jackson who is out here filming the A-Team movie. Yeah, I know lame attempt at a joke. Nor am I talking about something along the lines of  The Simpsons episode where the mysterious cat burglar leads everyone on a wild goose chase for the some hidden treasure buried under a huge T. Better? No, what I’m talking about is the giant “T” transit markers that have started to pop up along some of the Canada Line transit stations. Eventually all rapid transit stations in the Lower Mainland will have this “T”.
I think it’s about time we had proper signage to alert transit users to the closest transit station. It brings uniformity to the stations and a clear identifier similar to what you see in London, New York and other cities around the world. Here are a few that have already been put in place:



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