Vancouver 2010 Paralympics: Transportation Plan

Dec 19 2017, 12:12 pm

Unlike the massive restrictions for the Olympic games, the Paralympics will not create havoc for drivers. However, one might say that the restrictions were good as it forced many people to use public transit and finally got them out of their cars. Did you know that during the Olympics Vancouver’s public transit system was the 3rd busiest in North America? Only New York and Mexico City were busier. This is a discussion that needs to be had, but we’ll save it for another day.

Here is street closure and transit options during the Vancouver 2010 Paralympic games.
Public Transit:

Olympic Line (Streetcar): The Street car will still be free and running ’til the end of the Paralympics. If you have not been on it yet, I highly suggest you give it a try.

Translink (Buses, Seabus, SkyTrain, WCE):  During the Paralympics regular transit routes will apply, however TransLink will provide additional event-support transit services to Paralympic venues. In short the wonderful transit system we had during the Olympics is no more. This is evident by anyone who has taken transit after the games as “Sorry Not In Service” is seen all to often.

Roads and Closures [source]:

No Paralympic lanes or pedestrian corridors are in place except for a Paralympic lane northbound on Highway 99 which will be in place until the end of the 2010 Paralympics Winter Games.

Road modifications during the Paralympic Games will be significantly reduced compared to the Olympic period, however there will be some road closures and parking and stopping restrictions will continue on some major routes.

Proposed temporary parking and stopping restrictions on the following streets will continue to be in effect up to March 21, 2010 to support the Paralympic Games:

* Hastings St between Main St and Burrard
* Smithe St between Expo St and Howe St
* Nelson St between Thurlow St and Beatty St
* King Edward Ave between Oak St and Sophia St
* Cambie St between King Edward Ave and 37th Ave
* 2nd/6th Ave between Hemlock St to Main St
* Main St from 2nd Ave to Terminal Ave

See map for full details.

Pedestrian Corridors: The successful pedestrian corridors, which were a key element during the Olympics will not be in place for the Paralympics. Granville Street really needs to be a pedestrian corridors. Deliveries can be made in the back alleys, that is what they are for.

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