VancityBuzz Canucks post-game #SixPack - Stars March 6

Dec 19 2017, 5:53 pm

After Vancouver’s 6-1 loss in this must-win game against the Stars, Canucks fans probably need a six pack of beer to drown their sorrows.

Me, I’m going with wine.


Don’t judge. I don’t use the fancy glasses when I drink alone.

1. The players are NOT happy

It’s easy to look at the scoreline and say the Canucks have given up, or they’ve quit on their coach or they just don’t care anymore, but it’s simply not true.

Just take a look at Kevin Bieksa’s post-game comments:

“If this isn’t rock bottom, I don’t know what is.”

“It was a humiliating game to be a part of.”

Henrik Sedin:

“It’s just embarrassing to be standing here after every game talking about how we can’t score, we’re losing games, and stupid mistakes. It’s just the same old story every time.”

These guys want to win. Even if only for their own pride, they want to be winning games and they want to make the playoffs.

At the 16 minute mark of the first period, the Canucks went on a power play and you could see that desire. Sedin, Bieksa, Alex Edler and Ryan Kesler looked like they were on a mission to score on that man advantage and they created at least four quality chances.

Right after the power play, Zack Kassian ran Brenden Dillon into the boards, forcing his team to kill a five minute penalty, during which they gave up another goal. And once they were down 4-0, they were deflated.

But have they given up? No.

2. #StromboneUnleashed

Did you ever wonder what it would’ve been like if Luongo was allowed to live tweet games alongside us? We might finally have the answer.

This was when the Canucks were down 3-0:

At 5-0:

He might be a goalie, but that’s a 100 mph slapshot at Torts.

And then there was this fortune telling tweet right before the third:

(Thing 4 was in the net for the third)

My take:

Could turn out to be true.

3. Matthias was excited

When Shawn Matthias was traded to the Canucks, he was happy.

Feeling the same after being ventilated by a team that was 2 points ahead of you in the playoff race?

He’s probably not as excited anymore.

4. Kes looks happy

Caught this shot of Kes looking downtrodden on the bench:

Good take.

Another possibility:

5. I saw a positive

There weren’t many positives…

Okay I’m not even sure there was one, but I’m going with it.

Eddie Lack can play. He didn’t have a bad game – he was simply hung out to dry by his team. Breakaway goals, 2-on-0’s, Edler screening knucklepuck shots – what’s a guy supposed to do? This:


Pardon the blur – Benn was just going that quickly (meaning Lack’s save was that good).

Down 4-0, his head was still in it. That’s resiliency – and as a goaltender in Vancouver, we know he’s going to need a truck full of resiliency.

6. How we feel

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