Vancity Buzz guide to Vancouver Municipal Election 2008

Dec 19 2017, 11:43 am

Use this comprehensive guide to assist you with your selection for council and mayor:

Vancouver Civic Election 2008
“Yesterday two former mayors came to the aid of the current mayor by stating that the $100 million loan is not an issue that taxpayers should be worried about. This got me thinking, are everyday taxpayers equipped with handling a situation such as this? Would they be able to comprehend the legal and financial jargon that is in the contracts? The fact is the civic election is days away and people need to focus on the real issue at hand, homelessness. Here is what the candidates will do to fight this.”

Vancouver Mayoral Race Ends November 15, 2008
“Update: It appears as though the NPA is up to their old tricks as an Independent candidate by the name Greg Robertson has entered the race. Hmm somewhere out there in obscurityville James Green would be proud. “

Vancouver Olympic Village sees $100 million Bailout?
“I am not worried at all that the city is going to lose any money. Why? Well they have a trick or two up their sleeve via retaining ownership of the land. Hence, they will get their money back.
Millennium will have to take the hit (if any) as currently it’s about 7% over budget. Further, being over budget is nothing new to developers, especially with the escalating commodity and labour costs that we’ve experienced the last few years.”

Message to Gregor Robertson: Just Pay The $173 Fine
“What we need is a discussion on homelessness, density (to deal with rising population), office development, cultivation and support of a great arts scene, nurture small businesses, the whitecaps waterfront stadium, etc… What we don’t need is a discussion on $173 fine. As a mayoral candidate Mr. Robertson just pay it and lets talk about the important issues.”

Vancouver Mayoral Debate: Round 3, Vancouver’s Homeless
“The purpose of the [homeless] rally was to highlight the plight of the homeless, In short here is what they want:

1. Keep public lands for public use
2. Invest in the Property Endowment Fund to develop social housing
3. Ensure 20 percent of new developments are for low income families
4. Build more social housing in the DTES
5. Enforce maintenance bylaws for social housing”

Mayor Debate: Robertson vs. Ladner Round 2
“The first debate for Mayor of Vancouver was held at Langara College last week. The issue of homelessness and Insite took centre stage were of primary focus. Those issues are assumed to be Robertson’s strong suit, however, at the debate Ladner tossed out some good ideas of his own. Ladner’s idea of jointly working with the feds and provincial governments to tackle homelessness in our fair city seems like a good idea. I think its only fair since we seem to have an abundance of French speaking housing challenged individuals on the streets. Thank our mild climate for that. Further, Robertson was for more safe injections sites, whereas, Ladner was not and the debate went on.”

Vancouver Mayor Race…

“Personally, Gregor Roberston is far too left and Ladner is far to right. Take for example Robertson’s stupid idea of taxing vacate condos. Say goodbye to international investment then a-hole. I’m no fan of empty condos, but international investment is needed and will continue to be need for the foreseeable future. Or do you want to go back to the good old days of the 90’s. Remember those days in which an exodus of head offices to Calgary and other parts of the country took place. We have finally reversed that in this city and now we might go back in time. What the fuck.

Then there is Ladner. He is cut from the same cloth as Sam Sullivan, need I say more.”

Gregor Robertson vs. Peter Ladner
“Firstly, running for Vision Vancouver is Gregor Robertson. His four main ideas for change, as from his website are the following:

1. Ending homelessness and fostering a boom in “affordable housing” (Sean i’m sure you’re all over this one), see Portlands strategy or this comedic solution .
2. Targeting pollution, gridlock and public safety to improve overall quality of life.
3. Make Vancouver the greenest city in the world.
4. Making Vancouver a creative capital.

On the other hand we have Peter Ladner running (or should I say cycling) as the NPA candidate, he is also running on the back of four ideas, as from his website they are:

1. Make Vancouver a safe city
2. Make Vancouver a green city, hmmm… where did I see that before?
3. Make Vancouver a globally competitive city
4. Make Vancouver an affordable city. I’d be interested to see how he will acheive this.”

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