Urban Futures Survey 2012

Dec 19 2017, 1:25 pm

If you live in Metro Vancouver, I hope you are aware that we live in a period of time that will define what our region becomes in the next 30, 40, 50 years. Will it be a thriving metropolis for all to enjoy or a haven for only the rich and old?  It’s important for us as citizens of this great place we call home to voice our opinions and let policy makers know what we value when it comes to urban planning. So take 10 minutes ( I took it last week and shouldn’t take too long) out of your day and take the Urban Futures Survey. Your opinion does matter, take the survey here: http://www.urbanfuturessurvey.com/

The survey started in 1973. It happened again in 1990, just shortly after Expo as the region started its ascent to becoming a household name on the world stage. And now it’s back, in a time where the lines between rich and poor are growing further apart. The third Greater Vancouver Urban Futures Opinion Survey has launched and it takes place on line. That is why it’s important for us to spread the message to others.

The Urban Futures Opinion Survey 2012,  is the third in a series of geographically-specific research studies that measure the importance of a number of issues to residents across the Lower Mainland. Previous surveys helped inform the creation of the Livable Region Plan.

The 2012 survey will update and enhance the information available about public attitudes and experiences of the population over three points in time. This information will be invaluable to planners and policy makers at all levels.

“I am not aware of any other urban region that has an extensive body of longitudinally comparable information such as this available to assist the decision-making process.” says Ken Cameron, former manager of policy and planning for the GVRD.

The 2012 survey is organized under the following major themes:

  • Demographics/Household
  • Employment
  • Housing
  • Recreation/Leisure
  • Transportation
  • Regional Context

Red Robinson Urban Futures Survey PSA from PlaceSpeak on Vimeo.

I don’t know about you, bu my future Vancouver is accommodating to all. A place where public transit is always improving *coughs* UBC line, maybe something extend to the West End. A place where the neighbourhoods are full of all sorts of people and kids can grow up in the inner city with all the tools necessary to thrive in life. That is my ideal Vancouver and it’s time our planners take notice and shape the city for the better. As citizens of this fine city and region, we need to embrace fully the large scale densification that is needed outside the city core to accommodate this transition.

Image: Urban Futures

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