First UFC GYM to open in B.C. in 2016

Dec 20 2017, 1:24 am

Steve Nash Fitness Clubs are joining forces with UFC GYM to open the first location in B.C. in 2016, with plans to add eight to 10 more locations throughout the province.

UFC GYM’s are the first major brand extension of the wildly popular Ultimate Fighting Championship, which means the fitness centres are the first of their kind to offer mixed martial arts and fitness programs that have been developed by Ultimate Fighter athletes.

“We’re absolutely thrilled about our partnership with UFC GYM,” said Chris Smith with Steve Nash Fitness Clubs.

“The UFC GYM model gives members a unique way to get fit in an environment that is exciting and fun, helping them stay engaged and committed to reaching their fitness goals through training differently.”

The press release says more than 50 per cent of the client base at UFC GYM’s are women and their programs are designed for all ages and fitness levels.

The UFC GYM franchise has more than 120 locations in North America and Australia, with an additional 35 gyms opening this fall.

The locations in B.C. will likely be 8,000 to 10,000 square feet in size.

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