UBC's Rugby Pavilion hopes for liquor license

Dec 20 2017, 2:44 am

UBC is hoping to add another liquor-licensed establishment to campus, but not as a pub or daily operation.

The campus has been home to the Gerald McGavin Rugby Pavilion for several years now, located on south campus overlooking the rugby field, but the new and modern space has never been allowed to serve alcohol to guests. Administrators are hoping to change that with an application to the B.C. Liquor Control Board and Licensing Branch.

The space, which can occupy up to 200 people, is frequently used to host receptions, award ceremonies, meetings and banquets, and a liquor license could improve the number of bookings the building receives.

“The proposed liquor primary establishment will not operate like a pub or lounge. Liquor service will be offered as an amenity to sporting events and pre-booked or private events such as award ceremonies, receptions, fundraisers, university functions and seasonal parties. Patrons will mostly be students, faculty and visitors/guests,” says the application.

But other reporting on the issue has emphasized the concerns of residents in the neighbouring area about possible noise disruption due to the application’s stated hours of business from 11 a.m. to 1 a.m., seven days a week.

What should be underscored, says a spokesperson for UBC Athletics and Recreation, is that receiving a liquor license will not change the function of the facility in any way.

“The space will remain event driven (ie. not open daily as a bar). The times indicated on the license are to permit flexibility for the small events and rentals taking place in the facility. As the facility use is not changing, there are no anticipated significant impacts to the neighbouring community,” Athletics told Vancity Buzz.

Seeing that the building is located next to the university’s rugby playing fields, a considerable amount of noise is already to be expected, with or without the liquor license which is expected to be passed by Metro Vancouver

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