UBC students turn Engineering Dean's office into janitor's closet as prank

Dec 19 2017, 5:37 pm

UBC’s engineering students are on a roll today with their pranks to show off their skills creatively.

This morning, Engineering Dean Marc Parlange opened the door to his office only to find that it had been “mysteriously renovated” overnight into a small janitor’s closet fully outfitted with cleaning equipment and supplies.

Photo of Dean Marc Parlange standing on the other side of the “new office.”

UBC Engineering Dean Office Prank
Image: UBC Engineering

It does not appear anyone will get in trouble for this. Photos and videos posted by UBC Engineering staff, who were involved in the stunt, on the faculty’s Facebook page show an highly amused and laughing dean being a good sport about it.

This was not the only prank pulled overnight. This morning, students woke up to find that engineering students had raised a Volkswagen Beetle to the top of the 140-foot tall campus clock tower. No word yet on who and how the car will be brought down, nor is there any knowledge of how the students completed the office “renovation” without being caught red handed.

The pranks are part of a long-running, annual tradition of engineering week festivities. In previous years, they went as far as dangling a Beetle car off the bridge deck of the Lions Gate Bridge.

Featured Image: UBC Engineering