One of Canada’s biggest newspapers has already made the typo of the year

Jan 3 2017, 11:56 pm

Coffee is made for a reason.

And on the morning of January 3, someone at the Toronto Star might have realized this.

The major newspaper outlet published a story in their print edition that included a bit of a spelling error.

In a story about “Mixed in the Six pop-up events” supporting multiculturalism in the city, someone accidentally included an extra letter in a subheading.

Beyond the fact that the whole sentence is awkward to read, this heading was approved for the front page of the newspaper’s Life & Entertainment section.

While the error was eliminated on the online version, print is forever.

Look, we all make mistakes, and Daily Hive is certainly not immune to its own copy editors suffering from a lack of coffee, but hey, if you can’t laugh learn from your mistakes…

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