Top Metro Vancouver hiking trails

Dec 19 2017, 4:51 pm

Before the winter season sets in and the local mountains – and streets – are covered with snow and slush, many hiking enthusiasts are looking to cram in some last-minute hiking. Here are some great hiking trails in the Metro Vancouver area.

Top 10 hiking trails according to Trailpeak

  1. Lynn Canyon Baden Powell to Deep Cove
  2. Mt. Fromme – Griffin
  3. Rice Lake
  4. Alouette Mountain (Golden Ears Provincial Park)
  5. Bodega Ridge
  6. Buntzen Lake – The Academy
  7. East Canyon Trail
  8. Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve Road
  9. Mount Gardner (Bowen Island)
  10. Mount Hollyburn

Health benefits of regular hiking


  • Improved cardio health
  • Improved muscle tone
  • Lower risk of heart disease and stroke, high blood pressure and Type 2 Diabetes, high cholesterol and triglycerides, and lung, breast and colon cancer
  • Increased bone density, or a slower loss of density
  • Reduced depression
  • Better sleep
  • Lower risk of early death. “If you are active for 7 hours a week, your risk of dying early is 40% lower than someone active for less than 30 minutes a week.”
  • Weight maintenance. Hiking burns up to 370 calories per hour (this applies to a 154 pound individual).


Kids who love hitting the trails and taking in the sights get many of the same benefits as adults. These benefits include:

  • Improved cardiorespiratory and muscular fitness
  • Better bone health
  • Less chance of becoming overweight
  • Less chance of developing risk factors for heart disease, high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes
  • Possibly reduced risk of depression and feeling less stress, more ready to learn in school
  • Sleeping better at night

For both adults and kids, hiking requires using almost every muscle:

  • Legs
  • Knees
  • Ankles
  • Arms
  • Hips and butt
  • Abs
  • Shoulders
  • Neck

And, as Ignacio Malpica, a certified fitness instructor and personal trainer in Boulder, Colorado, says, hiking provides a lot of the same benefits as yoga, since it benefits an individual’s body and mind. “It creates awareness in your eyes and ears and the rest of your senses.”

Find hiking equipment on Kijiji.



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