The Roxy Turns 20!

Dec 19 2017, 11:39 am

The Roxy is really not my kind of club, it’s a bit of an older crowd and a dashing young 20 something like myself is more likely to be at Republic or Plaza on Saturday night. However, I do recall one particular night when The Urban Dweller was on cougar patrol and thought to myself what better place on the strip but the Roxy to go hunting. Unsuccessful in my attempts to take home a cougar to um…have a cup of hot coffee with, I decide to get hammered. However, before The Urban Dweller began his alcoholic fix, I spotted none other than former UFC light heavyweight champ Quinton “Rampage” Jackson at the Roxy knocking down a few brews (note his girlfriend is from Vancouver).

Long before Granville Street became the city’s main entertainment strip, the Roxy was operating and entertaining many celebrities. To this day Dave Pratt and sometimes Don Taylor will swing by for a visit VIP style. In a city were clubs come and go (does anyone remember Skybar) The Roxy has been a stalwart for 20 awesome years. To celebrate, they’re throwing a bash tomorrow night.

I can speak for all of the Vancity Buzz contributors when I say congratulations on your success and cheers to another 20 years of rocking out. The Suburban Don will be at the event tomorrow sans bathrobe and cigar as The Roxy has a dress code. He will attempt to father a few more kids out of wedlock.

(photo credit: 2003 Granville Entertainment Group at The

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