The Federal Budget: What does it mean to British Columbians

Dec 19 2017, 11:46 am

Yesterday a short, stocky Irish man descended upon Parliament to deliver the message home. He dipped into the Liberal playbook and pulled out the deficit card. Yes the Conservatives are the new Liberals my friends.
It is with great disdain that I mention the NDP and Bloc immediately rejected the budget. One can only assume that Jack Layton is an even bigger asshat than once deemed by Money J. The Liberals have kept silent and will announce today if they support the budget or want to proceed with that bullshit coalition.What does this budget have for BC, well let me tell you.

“In British Columbia, funds will flow for the Evergreen Transit Line and for a more modern railway station in Vancouver – key projects as the city prepares to host the Olympic Winter Games,” said Mr. Flaherty in his House of Commons budget speech.

source: Bill Curry of the Globe & Mail

Premier Campbell was pleased with what was announced, especially the long overdue Evergreen Transit Line. So now once the Canada Line is complete those workers will have another section of the Skytrain to build and by then we’ll be ready to expand the Skytrain to UBC. Carole James was her bitchy self this morning as she condemned Gordo as usual, at the same time she had NO plan of her own. Egregious. She is well on her way to the asshat hall of fame.

This budget did not focus on social housing or looking at ways to create new jobs. What it will do is stop the hemorrhaging. In these extraordinary times our governments need to take action and Tories did so. Now the fate of the country rests on the shoulders of Michael Ignatieff…