The Canucks, Without The Sedins...

Dec 19 2017, 11:50 am

It’s looking more and more likely that the Canucks and the Sedin twins will soon part ways. The reason, length of contract the twins are looking for. Reports indicate that the Sedin’s are looking for $63 million over 12 years. That is a cap hit of about $5.25 million, which is completely doable, however if the twins want a no-trade clause then fuggadaboutit, sayonara, the mothership is calling, Farvä´l!We all know that after 33, 34 years of age their production will most likely dwindle and thus rendering them as useful as a wool sweater on a hot Vancouver day.

So then, what are the Canucks options? Well they could maybe make a deal with Ottawa and land Western Canadian Danny Heatley. Perhaps the twins could be packaged in said deal. However, Ottawa may not have the cap room for both.

The Canucks essentialy have $20 million dollars to sign players. So perhaps, we could land Bouwmeester, Gaborik and say Mike Cammallerri and build through free agency. Then there is the matter of Roberto Luongo, will he stay or not? That is a whole other topic for another day.

One thing is for sure Mike Gillis has his work cut out for him and in this market the fans demand a lot. Perhaps management will hire ice scrapers like her to make up for the on ice product.

photo source: elitesurfer

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