The Buzz is Back!

Dec 19 2017, 11:51 am

The Buzz is back, much to the chagrin of foolish Vancouverites who look down upon others for be snobbish, then going around and being one themselves, hypocrites. Please get some friends and quit complaining there is nothing to do in Vancouver.

Perhaps the fact that Sean Orr, yes thee Sean Orr liked one of our posts was a sign of end times for Vancity Buzz. However, it might just be that UD didn’t write it and thus there was some substance to the post. Truth be told we all went on summer vacation. A novel idea indeed as summer was winding down. UD is still backpacking in Europeand won’t be back til sometime in September. MJS is somewhere in the Valley working in a farm or something. I guess hustling just didn’t cut it for him.

Coming back from vacation I realized that the Valley still sucks, Surrey (Cloverdale or whatever the fuck you want to call it) records another shooting and Abbey had 3 murders in a week. Granville Streetis still a mess, Robson Squareis a failure waiting to happen and the HST still sucks. Oh and Louie is the $64 million man. Oy vey.

Man it’s good to be back home.

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