Teachers create board game lampooning Christy Clark

Dec 19 2017, 7:48 pm

A pair of Vancouver-area teachers have come up with a creative way to make a point about B.C. Premier Christy Clark and the current education crisis.

“Race across British Columbia to shut down schools, privatize the industry and raise your ratings!” sums up the gist of “Christy’s World,” a board game created by Vancouver and Coquitlam teachers and Rotten Apples Collective founders Loren Letourneau and Jean-Michel Oblette.

The duo have posted their politically-charged plaything on the crowdfunding site Kickstarter, and have easily met and exceeded their mere $50 goal.

With the aim of being available for play on September 2, when the new school year is supposed to begin, Letourneau and Oblette write that they want the game made “so that frustrated students, parents and teachers have something fun to play at home and on the picket line.”

Here’s how the game works:

In the game you play as Christy, a clueless, tyrannical political wannabe without a conscience or a college degree who works tirelessly to become British Columbia’s most grotesquely unpopular leader.

Your objective is to crystallize power in an economic superclass by systematically destroying public education, privatizing industry and looking good while you do it.

“It’s not meant as a personal attack. It’s definitely something to raise an awareness of the larger issues,” Letourneau told Metro.

“We feel pretty powerless, which is why we’ve done this,” adds Oblette.

Letourneau is an artist and teaches at Dr. Charles Best Secondary School in Coquitlam and contributes to Black Spec Magazine, according to his LinkedIn profile. Oblette teaches in the French Immersion program at Kerrisdale Elementary.

The teachers kid that if they reach their “stretch” goal of $325 million, they can fund education in the province for a year. And on the other side of the coin?

“Honestly the worst that can happen to us is that Christy makes our game obsolete by handing in her resignation before we get funded,” Letourneau and Oblette say on their Kickstarter.

Featured image: Graphics from Christy’s World/Kickstarter

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