Take 5 $25 GC Giveaway

Dec 19 2017, 12:45 pm

As you may know, Take Five Cafe is a BC gourmet coffee and catering company that has shops throughout the Lower Mainland.

They just opened a new store in Richmond Centre (near the Apple store) and to celebrate this and the holiday season, Take Five Cafe has provided Vancity Buzz with 4 $25 gift cards as a stocking stuffer gift card giveaway!

The Giveaway:

To enter simply retweet the following:

  • I entered to win a $25 @Take5CafeBC gift card via @Cwistal http://bit.ly/ephLvb
    RT to enter!

Contest Ends: December 16 at midnight, good luck to everyone that enters!

Take 5 is a family owned BC company. Check out the website below. Candy Cane Mocha looks good!


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