Swollen Members - Warrior (New Video)

Dec 19 2017, 11:52 am

Swollen Members have been off the radar for more than a minute now. However, look for all that too change as they are back with their new album Armed to the Teeth set to drop at the end of October. Here is the debut video of that album:

I’ve been a fan since day one, the first time I heard Lady Venom it was a wrap. Their sound and lyrics are unique, very few go where they go. The last few years the crew went through some hard times as Mad Child had to square off with some personal demons. Ultimately, he won that battle and out of all personal hardship comes their new album. I for one can’t wait.

Also check out Smells Like SM, sick, sick track. I’d hope to do a review on their new album shortly, if it’s within my budget. After all I don’t roll like Urban Dweller.

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