Sunday Musings: November 16, 2008 a New Vision Emerges

Dec 19 2017, 11:43 am

A new day is upon us in Vancouver as Gregor Robertson is now the mayor of our fair city. What this means to Vancouver and how it will change is yet to be seen, but he promises to act immediately to quash homelessness. My buddies on the east side are ecstatic, west side not so much. However, I could care less who the mayor is as long as he governs and takes this city to the next level and brings the majority of Vancouverites increased prosperity.

This is what I would like to see: continued densification, more transit (possibly LRT’s?), continuing of the green revolution, more arts and festivals, more support for business and of course solve the homeless crisis. Possibly a look at Portland’s solution to homelessness should be looked at?

Lets get away from politics for a minute as VcB has been all over the civic election. This past week their was another battle brewing. You know the epic battle between Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Aniston. I’ll take them both, but if I have to choose one it would be Angelina for the shear fact that she is absolutely wild.

I’d like to thank Chantel and Kimberly for taking the time to do interviews. The response was overwhelmingly favourable. All three interviews can be viewed here, here and here. On that note, I’m definitely looking forward to VFW’s next season.

Looks like the Liberal convention will be taking place in the brand spanking two times the budget new convention centre. Is someone losing their prophetic powers? Or is this someone just another turdburgler masquerading as a hipster prophet? I think its the latter.

The Canucks beat the lowly Leafs. To all the Leafs fans out there, go screw yourselves.

With the municipal election done, Vancity Buzz will now shift our focus on provincial politics. Our disdain for Carole James will be hard to put aside, however I shall give it my best to provide an unbiased view. I make no promises. Besides the Maverick is the unbiased one on this blog.