Sunday Musings

Dec 19 2017, 11:40 am

Well another week has come and gone and lets just say it was a pretty bad week for the suburbs. One in particular, I think you know which one I’m referring to. Shootings, bodies found in the backyard etc…ah such is the life in suburbia. The Urban Dweller thought people moved out to the ‘burbs to escape the violence and crime of the city. Guess everything ain’t so rosy behind those generic white picket fenced houses lined up and down the numerous cul-de-sacs. I guess Desperate Housewives is an accurate depiction of what goes on in the suburbs. Who knew?

It looks as though The Urban Dwellers reverse voodoo powers have worked for the Canadian Olympians as they brought home a grand total of 18 medals, two more than our goal of 16. Not too shabby, since during the first week the Canadian Olympians got as many medals as Money J Skeets gets numbers from the ladies in a club. Zero.

In a weird twist of fortune that very same reverse voodoo fucked up the string of good luck we Vancouverites were having weather wise. Due to the overly boastful nature of my post, mother nature decided to wreak havoc with The Urban Dwellers gloating. Pure fuckery I tell ya.

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