Submit Your Beards for the Playoff Competition!

Dec 19 2017, 1:36 pm

As of this morning, submissions are now being accepted for Vancitybuzz’s Playoff Beard Competition. And, to make it even more enticing, we are stepping up the prizes. So get your photos in fast and optimize growing time, because if your beard gets chosen, you will be getting a $100 gift card to the Team Store, and the runner up will be receiving a shaving kit. Oh, and did we mention the winner gets endless glory? Because there’s that too. Here are the rules:


1) Send us a photo of yourself holding a picture up of a daily newspaper for verification of the date alongside yourself, freshly shaved!

2) Grow a beard with all of your might. I don’t recommend Rogain-ing your face, but I like the enthusiasm

3) Email us a photo of your beard at the end of every round up until the teams’ playoff run is over. Don’t worry, you can still shave it off if they wrap things up early.

4) We will update the site with your photos, so people can watch as your beard gets stronger and manlier through the post season

5) There will be an open poll on the site to determine the winner. Whoever wins gets a $100 gift card to the Team Store, a certificate with their name on it declaring their beard superiority, and bragging rights until next year’s Playoffs. Runner-up gets a fancy shmancy shaving kit

Deadline: Submissions will close when the puck drops on Wednesday night for game 1 vs. LA. And may the best beard win!

To Submit, email your photo and contact information to: [email protected]

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