Vancouver police swarm stolen vehicle during dramatic arrest (VIDEO)

Jan 23 2019, 1:09 am

A dramatic end to a carjacking incident that began in Richmond and concluded in Vancouver was captured on dash-cam yesterday.

According to police, the incident began just after 7:30 am, when officers responded to a residence in the 5000 block of Walton Road for reports of a robbery from a vehicle.

The victim, a woman in her 40s, reported that she was preparing to start the engine of a dark coloured 2007 Toyota SUV, when she was approached by a suspect “clad in dark clothing.”

See also

The suspect allegedly produced a weapon and used it to smash a window. The suspect then fled in the vehicle, leaving the woman behind.

Despite “extensive” patrols of the area following the incident, Richmond RCMP were unable to locate the vehicle and notified other detachments to be on the lookout for the SUV and suspects.

The vehicle was subsequently found in Vancouver, just before 9 am, near Boundary Road and East Hastings Street. The takedown was captured on dashcam and posted to Reddit by user, keeho.

And although the video mislabelled the incident as a shooting, VPD Const. Jason Doucette confirmed to Daily Hive that in fact, it was footage of the takedown and arrest in connection with the carjacking.

Boundary/Hastings shooting this afternoon from r/vancouver

Police noted that “loud distraction devices” were used to safely arrest the two suspects: a 28-year-old male from Delta and a 21-year-old female from Pitt Meadows.

The pair have been turned over to Richmond RCMP and the Richmond RCMP General Investigative Section has taken conduct of the investigation.

Eric ZimmerEric Zimmer

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