Stephen Colbert toasts gun-packing Canadian Parliament hero (VIDEO)

Dec 19 2017, 8:37 pm

On Wednesday night, U.S. comedian Stephen Colbert dedicated an entire segment of his Comedy Central show, The Colbert Report, to praise House of Commons Sergeant-at-Arms Kevin Vickers for taking down Parliament Hill shooter Michael Zehaf-Bibeau.

[youtube id=”ozH7hE-wMSU”]

Colbert played Canadian news video clips that described how Vickers performed a dive in front of Bibeau in order to lethally shoot him.

“To hell with Bruce Willis. This Canadian just put… this guy, our neighbour to the north, just put the ‘eh in Yippee-Ki-Yay, mother f***ker,’” Colbert said in reference to Willis’ famous line from the 1988 film Die Hard.

Footage of the House of Commons giving Vickers a long standing ovation was also shown, with Colbert exclaiming the following: “Look at that magnificent bastard… stoic, humble. Folks, I have not been this moved by something this Canadian since the return of Degrassi.”

He then apologized for all the “awful things” he has said about Canada before ending the five minute segment with a special version of the Canadian National Anthem.


Feature Image: Comedy Central

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