StayFitAnywhere – Manny

Dec 19 2017, 12:43 pm

I didn’t know what to really expect. The only thing I knew when Mr. Buzz suggested Crystal and I take on this task was I could stay fit anywhere, hence the name, but it wasn’t sit-ups. I was in for a surprise.

On Day 1, I met my trainer, Josh Neumann of StayFitAnywhere, and we got my goals on paper and took a look at my movement. He seemed like a pretty cool guy, in good athletic shape, with a lot of knowledge. Josh also went over some background information on the workout approach and nutritional education.

I consider myself pretty fit already; hitting up the gym a couple of times a week, floor hockey, yoga, and Grouse Grind once a week each.

So I was thinking the next day would be a breeze. Wrong. Josh knew this info, and catered workouts to push me harder.

Week 1
The warm-up alone had my heart pumping. Working on technique of several simple exercises made them more difficult but more effective. By the end, I felt I had run for an hour straight and still had good muscle burn. It gave me great energy for the day.

I was given my Thursday workout to do at my own gym to practice the new techniques I had learned. Again, same intense feeling as Tuesday and I felt energetic all day.

Week 2
This week we really pushed it with Deadlifts. I was able to do my lifetime max on the half-rack with proper technique! I had no idea I had been doing them wrong until now.

During my homework session I pushed it further with the Deadlifts, more than I was supposed to. Proper technique allowed me to lift more without straining my back. Quite impressed. That was in addition to many other exercises which had the total workout clock at 1 hour.

Week 3
I’m in Cancun, Mexico, 7 days getting hammered every night, the liver taking a beating! I’m using some of the StayFitAnywhere techniques every afternoon before I hit the beach and before going out at night, to get a solid pump and form like a straight guido.

See The Wall Squat, Broomstick Chest Opener, and Push-Ups, all I need anywhere I go I swear.

The real after-Mexico Week 3
Josh was right, using the StayFitAnywhere exercises in Mexico allowed me to maintain the weight I was pushing prior to me leaving. I didn’t gain, but I didn’t lose, even though I beat my body down hard with crappy food and tons of liquor.

I’m lovin the Smith Reverse Push-Up & Push-Up combo this week!

Week 4
The Renegade Rows & Sliders combo was KILLER. It doesn’t help when it’s the last exercise of my workout! I feel like swearing at Josh on every rep… but I feel damn good when I’m done. F’n great pump and feeling of accomplishment.

Week 5
Kettlebells are really really fun! I’m perfecting my form this week, cleaning up minor bad habits.

Week 6
The Hindu Push-Up is harder than it looks I must say. And the Lateral Crawl Push-Up isn’t easy but is really fun.

Working on technique and fundamentals has allowed me to progress very quickly. Every exercise I did, worked on my core as well. I gained 50 lbs more on Full Deadlifts than my lifetime best!


In the end, I feel really awesome! It’s like I went through training for the movie 300 and I’m King Leonidas. My chest is proud, my posture solid, and energy level pumped. Mentally, I am also much more focused on every task.

And so it ends… but I don’t want it to end.

I used these techniques during my vacation in India last month, and even now back in Vancouver. It’s a real quick and easy way to stay fit. I’m glad I learned proper form and these exercises which honestly will be invaluable for the rest of my life.


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