Spotted in Vancouver: Unicycle bike lane graffiti

Dec 19 2017, 8:20 pm

There’s a guerrilla street artist afoot in Vancouver, and they are leaving their one-wheeled mark on the city’s bike lanes.

Is it a bold move to demand inclusion, or just a prank? Either way, someone is leaving stencils of unicycles on the streets of Vancouver. CBC Vancouver brought the mystery to everyone’s attention, though they have not been able to identify the artist behind the unicycle.

The markings have been spotted on the Adanac bike route, and on the Dunsmuir Viaduct.

Maybe it’s this guy. Or this guy. Could it be her? Did anyone check down by English Bay? There’s always this guy to consider. Maybe these folks are all part of Vancouver’s “unicycle community” CBC got in touch with.




Any theories? Let us know, and send us more pictures if you’ve got them.

Featured image: @CBCLarsen/Twitter

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