Small Business Spotlight: Jorg & Olif

Dec 19 2017, 11:39 am

How many of you love to wear spandex? I can already hear Money J Skeets proclaiming his passion for spandex “I do, I do.” The Urban Dweller, on the other hand, wouldn’t be caught dead in spandex. So basically that meant I wasn’t going to be biking to work anytime soon. That is until I ran into a young twenty something blonde riding a bicycle downtown in a skirt. Intrigued by the bike and her, I waited till she got close enough and asked her where she purchased this bicycle. She says she got it online from a local company.

Then she quickly rode off. Another missed opportunity, damn.

This local company she was talking about is Jorg & Olif and they’ve sold 300 or so bikes in Vancouver alone. They specialize in bikes for the more fashion conscience individual (sorry Money J Skeets) and the bikes have an enclosed chain and gear to prevent clothing from getting caught up in it. So you can ride it and still be fashionable. Genius.

After checking out their website (, you get a definite European vibe from these bicycles. That’s because they’re made in Holland. These aren’t your typical recreational North American style bikes. These bikes are specifically meant for riding around in the city, a concept that is fairly new to North America since most cities are built with the automobile-first strategy (see Houston). So you probably won’t catch the Suburban Don on one these anytime soon.

These bikes range from $645 to $1,495 and are delivered and assembled to your closest bicycle shop for $30. There is no store front shop so if you want one of these cool bikes go check out their website. The Urban Dweller has already started to gather his loose change.

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