Vancouver SkyTrain scammer targeting foreign students

Dec 20 2017, 3:07 am

Transit police are warning SkyTrain users of a scam artist who appears to be targeting foreign students.


The man has been spotted at SkyTrain platforms from downtown Vancouver to New Westminster. He approaches people who appear to be foreign students and befriends them, saying he’s also a student, and that he’s been unlucky lately and needs to borrow cash. The victim loans him money and the man becomes unreachable.

“We would like to remind everyone to be cautious of frauds like this one, and urge extra caution when making transactions privately and not through a registered organization or business,” said Transit Police in a release.

The man usually says he’s an international student from the United States or the United Kingdom and sometimes feigns an accent. He says he needs money to repair his car or buy gas and shows the victims his Facebook profile or his phone number to gain their trust.

He often says he goes to the same school as the victim and names teachers and classes to sound genuine.

The suspect is described by Transit Police as being 20 to 30 years old, caucasian with a fair complexion, with a slim build and standing at 5’10”. He’s clean shaven with short dark brown hair and has gaunt, sunken facial features with dark circles under his eyes.

Transit Police are asking you to contact them if you see soliciting taking place on or near a SkyTrain at 604-515-8300 or by text at 87-77-77.

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