Skincare 101 - Prep Before You Prime

Dec 19 2017, 4:53 pm

Skincare plays a huge role in makeup application. Painters work on a clean canvas in order for colors to blend seamlessly and stay true to their pigment; the same concept applies for your everyday beauty routine.

Keep in mind that it is normal for your skincare routine to change periodically based on hormones, stress and seasonal changes. The key to healthy skin is keeping it balanced! Below you will find a list of all the products I currently use for my combination skin type.

First off, cleanser. It is recommended that you use milk or cream cleansers for daily use and an exfoliate cleanser once a week. The reason behind this is so you can keep your skins pH levels balanced (between 4.5-6). Using cleansers or toners with a low pH will leave your skin intact, retain moisture and keep germs out. Most cleansers on the market have high pH levels (between 6-9) and are meant to break down the dirt and oils on your skin. These products may leave your skin in an alkaline state, which will cause dryness and create a breeding ground for bacteria.

Secondly, TONE, TONE, TONE. It will remove a surprising amount of excess makeup and dirt that your cleanser may have left behind. And if you were using a harsh cleanser, toner will help bring your skin back to its natural pH level a little quicker. I would suggest using toner if you have drier skin to help keep moisture in and using an astringent if your skin tends to be oilier. Astringent can be a bit tricky. Excessive use of it can create the opposite effect and cause your skin to produce even more oil to protect it from being dehydrated. My advice is to use sparingly!

Lastly, moisturize! We all have different skin types – dry, combination or oily. Apply your favorite moisturizer, wait 30 minutes for it to absorb into your skin and you’re left with a healthy canvas ready for makeup!

Products I use:

Daily Cleanser: Burt’s Bees Soap Bark and Chamomile Deep Cleansing Cream ($13 – $16)
Weekly Exfoliate: Aveda Tourmaline Charged Exfoliating Cleanser ($29)
Toner: Breath of Fresh Air by Lush Cosmetics ($9.95 – $21.95)
Moisturizer: Imperilais by Lush Cosmetics ($24.95)
Eye Cream: GinZing by Origins ($30)
Face Mask: Active Charcoal Mask by Origins ($12 – $24)

Stay tuned or follow @NavanArtistry for more tricks, tips and faves! xo


Image: Avesun/Shutterstock 

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