15 signs that it's Spring in Vancouver

Dec 20 2017, 4:49 am

The cherry blossoms are in bloom, the clocks have gone forwards an hour, and the weather can turn on a dime. Yes, Spring has officially sprung in Vancouver, and we love it.

But we didn’t need a calendar to tell us that the seasons had changed, we’ve got these 15 tell-tale signs that Spring is in the air here in Vancouver…

1. Rain. Lots of rain.

A photo posted by Miriam Jackson (@mrs_splitz) on

Even when it’s sunny, you can’t help feeling like it’s about to rain. Just accept it – and get out your Hunters.  

2. OK, maybe a bit of sunshine too…

  A photo posted by n a n . m a u n g (@misonani) on

Isn’t it glorious? Forget what we said about Hunters – it’s Havaianas you need!

3. Instagram is filled with cherry blossoms.

It’s Cherry Blossom Season!!! ???????????????? ???? @seaside_signs   A photo posted by Vancity (@vancity) on

There’s no escape! But why would you want to? Unless…

4. Your allergies arrive early.

Are your allergies hitting early this spring (Shutterstock)

Are your allergies hitting early this spring? (Shutterstock)

Or if you’re really lucky, you get a lovely spring cold instead.

5. In fashion, you’re just as likely to see this…

Woman in shorts and flip flops (Norm Lee/Flickr)

Shorts and flip flops at the ready in False Creek (Norm Lee/Flickr)

Some of us are so totally ready for summer, we don’t even acknowledge spring.

6. …as this.

Sup bird ???? @skimchi A photo posted by Christine Wong (@new.theory) on

While some of us seem lost in a snowdrift of denial.

7. Tourists stop you on Granville Bridge to ask the way to…

Aquabus Granville Island stop and Granville Island Bridge (Totororo.Roro/Flickr)

Maybe they should have taken the Aquabus (Totororo.Roro/Flickr)

“How do we get down to Granville Island?” they plead. They are always disappointed with your answer. (Maybe they should have taken the Aquabus…Maybe it’s time to build some steps Gregor?)

8. Your friends start dragging you off for “hikes.”

A photo posted by Neima Mohebiany (@neimz) on

Even when it’s raining/muddy/windy/crazy. And you don’t even have the right shoes. But it’s still beautiful. Right?

9. The Vancouver Whitecaps start playing again.

Vancouver Whitecaps FC / Facebook

Vancouver Whitecaps FC / Facebook

And we remember just how much we’ve missed our 22,000 friends at BC Place.

10. New seasonal craft beers – hurrah!

Out with the porter, in with the Radler. Let the beercycling brewery tours begin.

11. Bars start showing baseball instead of hockey.

Image: Toronto Blue Jays / Facebook

Image: Toronto Blue Jays / Facebook

But we have to cheer for a team more than 3,000 km away.

12. Rhubarb Bellinis all round!

We just invented the Rhubarb BelliniYep, it’s rhubarb season. Or for the truly adventurous, it’s also time to harvest your artichoke, arugula and asparagus.

13. We start sneaking out to the patio.

table for one

We’re shivering but it doesn’t matter – we’re outdoors having a beer!

14. Everyone on the seawall looks happy.

A photo posted by Kate (@kate_mead) on

Instead of grimacing as they run/walk/cycle/rollerblade/dance around our awesome park.

15. Oh…and did we mention the bears?

Bears in North Vancouver (Jack/TheVancouverGuy/Flickr)

Bears in North Vancouver (Jack/TheVancouverGuy/Flickr)

Happy spring everyone!