Shop4Hope 2015: Network, fashion and shop to make a difference

Dec 19 2017, 11:01 pm

Maria Kritikos is passionate about helping other women live their best life. She’s the founder and CEO of the Ladies Who Lunch Network, a place for women to transform their lives, live out their dreams, connect with other like-minded women and give back. Her inner beauty is reflected in her generosity, not only to the women in her network, but to our community at large.

Image courtesy of Ladies Who Lunch Network

Last year, Kritikos hosted the inaugural Shop4Hope event, a passion project which was created after she watched the heart-wrenching footage of Typhoon Haiyan’s devastation on the Philippines in late 2013.

“Even though it was so close to Christmas and people said it couldn’t be done, I wanted to hold a fundraiser to help in any way I could,” says Kritikos. “With the help of the entire LWL community, volunteers and all the women who graciously donated their clothing for the sale, we managed to raise just over $2,000 to donate to the Canadian Medical Assistance Teams (CMAT) which were on the ground in the Philippines.”

This year, local celebrities, including TV host Kristina Matisic, ET Canada reporter Erin Cebula, Talk show host Fiona Forbes, C Fox radio host Karen Khunkhun, TV personality Ann Luu and many more will be strutting their stuff for the second annual Shop4Hope event – a fashion show and fundraiser including food and drinks on May 12 at downtown’s Holt Renfrew. Holt Renfrew will be donating 10% of sales from the evening to Dress for Success, an international charity that promotes the economic independence of disadvantaged women.

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If you want to connect with like-minded people, attend a fashion show with local celebrities and make a positive impact in the community, then come out and shop for a cause at Shop4Hope.

For tickets or more information about the event, visit or contact event organizer Maria Kritikos at [email protected].

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