SFU swim team takes a dip...in the snow! (VIDEO)

Dec 8 2016, 11:31 am

Whilst most of us have been putting on extra layers as a result of the wintery weather that has blasted Metro Vancouver this week, the swimmers on SFU’s varsity swim team decided to strip theirs off and go for a dip…in the snow.

Yes these crazy brave men and women saw the flurries and decided to don their swimgear, diving head first into the white stuff to indulge in an impromptu relay race.

“It was really spontaneous,” Rolando Hernandez (who is the first man we’ve ever met that does backstroke in the snow) told Daily Hive. “It was like ‘we should go with our speeds and swim in the snow.'”

So Rolando and co. did just that, using one of the snow covered fields at SFU’s Burnaby campus as a makeshift pool.

Our favourite part is the commitment they put into their strokes, even though they’re facing sub zero temperatures. One guy even dives!

Well done team, we salute you!

Daniel BettridgeDaniel Bettridge

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