Seth Rogen's Senate Testimony About Alzheimer's (VIDEO)

Dec 19 2017, 5:49 pm

Vancouverite Seth Rogen testified before the U.S. Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health, and Human Services to raise awareness about Alzheimer’s Disease.

Yesterday’s testimony closely affects Rogen as Alzheimer’s is a disease his mother-in-law suffers from.

In typical Seth Rogen fashion, the comedian and actor delivered a hilarious, yet emotional testimony, with a moments filled with his signature laugh.

“I came here today for a few reasons. One, I’m a huge House of Cards fan. Just marathoned the whole thing. Had to be here. Two is to say people need more help,” said Rogen.

Watching his mother-in-law suffer from the disease led for Rogen to start a charity, Hilarity for Charity, to raise not only funds but awareness of the disease.

[youtube id=”UHqx3-mfHAY”]

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