Preparing for Sasquatch Music Festival 2014

Dec 19 2017, 6:37 pm

With warmer days up ahead, that only means one thing: MUSIC FESTIVAL MADNESS.

What better way to celebrate the summer than packing up your stuff and spending a weekend with friends in the middle of nowhere surrounded by great fashion and awesome music.

And yes, I said fashion. With Coachella coming to a close a few weeks back, music festivals have evolved into not only being music focused but, fashion focused. It’s like a 24 hour/3 day (or however long the festival you choose is) runway show, and everyone wants to dress to impress.




This year, Vancity Buzz will be at the SASQUATCH Music Festival and I will be scouting the grounds for the crème de la crème of festival fashion, and fellow VCB writer James Oborne will bring to you interviews with the awesome bands that will be performing throughout the 3 days!

For those of you who will be at Sasquatch this year, here are a couple of essentials to not forget

  • Sunscreen
  • Warm clothing for those cold nights
  • A tent (this goes without saying guys)
  • Comfy shoes
  • Wet wipes
  • Waterproof makeup (for you ladies, or guys too)
  • And a whole lot of energy because I doubt there will be much sleeping

Plus, to get you in the music festival mood; check out the playlist mixes prepared by James Oborne

Photos used are by James Oborne

Be sure to follow me on Instagram as I will try to (depending on WiFi connection) post some of the top looks at the SASQUATCH Fest and my very own festival fashion get up!

Instagram: @otisamantha and @obeezyjay