Sarah McLachlan Composes Vancouver 2010 Theme Song?

Dec 19 2017, 11:52 am

This was making its way through the internet yesterday and I gave it a listen. It’s a great track and we all know that Sarah McLachlan is a very talented musician. However, after listening to this song I felt more like taking a snooze, then grabbing my hockey stick and making a fool of the Schwab. Take a listen and tell me what you think:

Now personally I would have preferred something more like Nelly Furtado did for the World Cup a few years ago. Remember that song Forca, that made me want to get up and play football (soccer). Besides she’s from Victoria god dammit!

Perhaps, the old boys club of VANOC can get their heads out of the 60’s and realize the world has changed. I like the track, just not for Olympics. This has seriously dampened my expectations of the opening and closing ceremonies as well. It’ll be the tried tested and true native dancers and drums. Yawn, the only time we give a shit about the natives is when the eyes of the world are watching.

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