New TransLink app combines transit, carshare, and bike share services

Feb 21 2024, 10:35 pm

A brand-new multi-modal transportation app called RideLink is now being tested by TransLink, providing users with the ability to pay, access, and/or book services across various operators.

The smartphone app combines TransLink’s public transit services, Modo Car Share, Evo Car Share, and Mobi Bike Share into one platform. This includes trip planning across the multiple modes, as well as accessing real-time information about vehicle and bike locations.

It offers simple booking and payment methods, easy registration for the shared mobility services of Evo, Modo, and Mobi, and an upgraded Compass Card to access public transit, Evo and Modo vehicles, and Mobi bikes.

This should not be confused as the creation of a Compass Card app, as TransLink has previously noted that the current Compass Card system is already maxed out and requires major technological upgrades to expand its capability options.

The use of RideLink effectively eliminates the need to use several separate apps or websites to complete a multi-modal trip.

TransLink states there are currently over 200,000 registered users of bike share and carshare services in Metro Vancouver.

“People will consider multi-modal transportation much more often if they can use one single app to plan, book and pay for their travel throughout the city, instead of needing to consult with several different apps to figure out where to sign up for a bike, or find a carshare that connects to the transit system. This is the first step in creating a truly seamless multi-modal experience and decreasing reliance on car ownership,” said TransLink CEO Kevin Quinn in a statement.

ridelink app translink

Ridelink app (TransLink)

The public transit authority states RideLink will for the time being be only available to a limited number of people for its pilot project period. It is now accepting 1,300 people to test the app over a one-year period, with the results used to determine whether the app will become permanent in the future for general public use.

Based on a previous smaller pilot project by TransLink in 2019, when they tested the use of a special Compass Card that accessed all four services under a single billing account, 60% of the participants reported they reduced their personal vehicle use and 56% indicated they tried a new mode of transportation.

“With so many different ways to get around the city already, we think it’s pretty cool to be able to bring it all together and allow people to trip plan using a single app,” said Amitis Khorsandi, the director of Evo Car Share.

Mia Kohout, the CEO of Mobi by Rogers, added: “We believe that improving seamless integration among shared mobility services and transit offers more convenience, thereby making it easier for people to choose sustainable modes of transportation, and ultimately also entice more people to try bike share.”

Individuals interested in applying to become a participant in the year-long pilot project to test the RideLink app must be at least 19 years old, have a valid driver’s licence, have a valid Visa or Mastercard credit card, and have a smartphone.

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