Identify hunters in violent bear killing video, get a reward: animal rights group

Dec 20 2017, 1:20 am

An animal rights group is offering a $2,500 reward for anyone with information that might help identify the hunters in a violent video that depicts the bloody killing of a grizzly bear.

The video was posted by the Wildlife Defence League on Facebook and it has since garnered nearly three million views. It shows the hunters shooting the bear numerous times as it tries desperately to escape.


Now the Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals is offering the hefty reward because they believe criminal prosecution is a possibility.

“There is a lot we don’t know about the individuals in this video,” said Michael Howie, spokesperson for the animal rights group in a press release.

“But the behaviour of the speakers and the treatment of the bear warrant investigation. We need the public to watch the video, listen to the voices, and provide information to authorities.”

The video has a moment where the face of one of the men is clearly identifiable. It’s unknown if the video was even shot in B.C., but the association believes there’s a good chance it was.

“It’s possible that the killing of this bear was lawful,” said Howie.

“That does not mean, however, that no criminal or wildlife act violations occurred. We need a full, formal investigation to take place – and we need Premier Christy Clark to recognize that the public will not stand for these atrocious actions, regardless of the policy of the day.”

The Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals said if anyone has any information on either of the hunters to contact the BC SPCA at 1-855-622-7722. The reward will be presented to the tipster if it leads to prosecution.

Disclaimer: The video below is very graphic. View at your own discretion.

(WARNING: GRAPHIC FOOTAGE) – BC’s grizzly hunt is horrific and 80% of residents want it banned. But as is often the case, the BC government ignores the scientific, economic, environmental and ethical arguments in support of such a ban. WDL has joined the fight to defend bears and other wildlife against trophy hunting and overhunting. Help us return to the field this fall, in defence of wildlife from exploitation like that seen in this video. Take action:

Posted by Wildlife Defence League on Monday, September 7, 2015

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