Rescue sanctuary for unwanted animals needs a Christmas miracle

Dec 20 2017, 3:07 am

To the animals that call it home, it is a little piece of heaven on earth.

Nestled on three-acres of farmland in Mission, about an hour’s drive east of Vancouver, SAINTS Rescue is often the final home for unloved animals.

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Some are transferred from local shelters or vets. Others, like an 11-year-old Daschund named Georgia, are dropped off in the driveway in the middle of the night. These unwanted, old, sick animals are the hidden victims of a society that values cuteness and convenience. In the weeks leading up to Christmas, the rescue sees more animals arriving as families make way for visiting relatives or, tragically, a new, younger furry family member to replace them.

But looks and age aren’t important at this farm – quality of life is. Volunteers work tirelessly to ensure these discarded animals spend their final days warm, safe, pain-free, happy and – most of all – loved. Dogs that spent their lives outside tied to the end of a metal chain finally get to know what it’s like to stretch out on a comfy couch.

11695973_1024754800880780_9021048182706762770_nRight now, SAINTS cares for a menagerie of 116 animals, including cats, rabbits and many dogs. Twenty-six residents are barn animals: goats, horses, pigs, sheep, cows, a donkey that thinks he is a cow and a llama named Carl. Every day hours are spent mucking out stalls, spreading feed and interacting with these animals that are getting a second chance at life.

SAINTS cares for these creatures without government funding, or handouts. It operates solely on donations and an army of kind souls works completely for free to care for the animals and run the operation of the sprawling farm.

12185208_1074525502570376_2541297016096798423_oBut now SAINTS is hoping people will open their hearts, and their wallets, to help them complete a holiday project.

While its barn is well constructed, it has one shavings shed that is not. The situation is getting so dire that the back wall is about to collapse. The rescue’s Christmas wish is to have enough money to construct a sturdy new wall that will stand the test of time, while new creatures graze and eat and enjoy life around it. Construction will cost around $3,000.

Like many chores around the farm, this isn’t a “sexy or glamourous” project, but it really will help the shelter do their tasks more efficiently, says Sheila Kullar.  

“The animals will love you for it because they won’t have to watch the volunteers try to control a heaping mess of shavings – and that means the farm guys get more one-on-one attention.”

Click this link to donate, and learn more. Any additional funds will be used to feed and house the farm’s many creatures, and pay for ongoing maintenance and repairs. 

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