Rescue Me: Disabled cat adopted by doggy siblings

Dec 20 2017, 3:54 am

Animals with disabilities are rarely snapped up quickly.

It’s understandable, honestly. Considering the expense of vet care for a healthy pet, the possibility of shelling out of thousands of extra dollars for things like specialist appointments and physical therapy for an animal with special needs can scare off even the most well intentioned animal lover.

But taking care of a kitten with a physical disability did not deter Natalie Giles, who was introduced to Mr. Magoo after he was brought into a pet hospital as a kitten along with his litter mates.

It was obvious from the start that he was not like other kittens: Magoo’s tongue hung out of his mouth because of a jaw condition. But Natalie took a chance on him, and this unusual kitty is now in a home where he’s been accepted – and very loved – by three canine siblings, Brixton, Carlton and Henry, and another cat, Molly.


Image: Natalie Giles

In this edition of Rescue Me, Natalie describes in her own words why she thinks everyone should consider sharing their life with a less adoptable animal.

During the physical exam, we found his lower jaw is off to one side, which causes his tongue to stick out, and his skull is slightly deformed but otherwise healthy. We discovered quickly that he could only eat canned food because he is unable to open his mouth.  So, as any Registered Veterinary Technician would do, I decided right then and there I had to keep him. I brought him home with me that night and was so in love. I had truly met my furry little soul mate.

As Mr. Magoo got older his condition did not get better and we wanted to see if it was possible to make him more comfortable. It was suggested we break his jaw to see if we could get movement, elongate his soft palate to help with his breathing and take some of his lower teeth out so they do not affected his upper gums. I dropped him off for surgery a few weeks later and got a call in the afternoon that they were unable to perform the procedure. The doctor explained they could not open his mouth so they were unable to intubate him to deliver the anesthetic to keep him asleep for the procedure.

Brixton and Magoo

Image: Natalie Giles

Mr. Magoo is now two years old and is loving life.  He loves cuddles on the couch, stealing dog and human food, jumping on counters, sneak attacks on his Pomeranian brothers, and so much more. He is truly living life to the fullest.

Even though he has this disability, it never seems to slow him down. When I first met Magoo I thought that he needed me, but in reality I was the one who needed him; he has changed my life forever.

Magoo and Molly

Image: Natalie Giles

He is a really special guy with the biggest heart and I think his story should be shared about how important it is to consider adopting a less adoptable animal.

It isn’t just Natalie that loves Magoo. This wee man has tens of thousands of Instagram followers, and a hefty Facebook following.

If you have a great adoption story, write me at [email protected] to be featured in an upcoming column!

Carlton, Magoo and Henry

Image: Natalie Giles

Halloween 2015 Crazy Cat Lady

Image: Natalie Giles

Hoodie Magoo

Image: Natalie Giles


Image: Natalie Giles

magoo funny face

Image: Natalie Giles